What We Do

Radiant provides specialist training and learning consultancy for the nuclear sector, and can also deliver specialist training directly.

We offer our clients the assurance that their people are learning and being trained in a creative, compliant, and sustainable manner.

Request a free 30 minute consultation today and find out what we can do to support your organisation.

Service Areas

  • Whether it be for onboarding, upskilling, or a change in how you do things, training and learning are vital components to getting your people to work, and managing change.

    With our training expertise and your knowledge of your people we can create pragmatic solutions that last.

    We can analyse your needs in partnership, and work together to come up with the best strategic and operational solutions for your goals.

  • It’s no exaggeration that sometimes only one person in a company knows how to run a vital or aging system - pass their knowledge onto others in your organisation while you can!

    Managers have a lot on, so when people retire, leave the organisation, or simply change team, a wealth of knowledge with can go with them.

    Whether you want to retain or more readily share critical pieces of knowledge, we can work with you and your experts to make sure it stays within your organisation for years to come.

  • Your senior scientists and engineers are busy people, and while they have the knowledge and experience to teach a course, they might not have the time or expertise to make high-quality training resources.

    Whether it’s a one-off course, or a whole training programme, we can support you in making the best resources to use whenever you need.

    Combining this with a Specialist Knowledge Management Solution makes for a strong learning product.

  • We can offer training in the subjects of:

    Nuclear Science and Engineering

    Electrical, Electronic, Control, and Instrumentation Engineering

    Mechanical Engineering

    Management & Business

    Get in touch with us to understand your requirement.

  • To create a sustainable organisation, you need your managers and technical specialists to help their people get better at what they do, realise their aspirations, or gain specialist skills.

    Talk to us about how to grow your coaching and mentoring capability in house.